Empowering Hope Through Giving
For more than 40 years, we have provided adults with special needs the knowledge, skills, and behavior needed to lead useful and productive lives with dignity, respect, and independence. With an array of programs, we provide our clients warmth, acceptance, and community. Our team offers a deep understanding and social and emotional support every day.
A donation to the HabCenter can provide us with the tools and resources needed to help over 200 individuals each year.
While a body and mind may have limitations, the power and potential of the human spirit, when nurtured in an empowering environment like the Habilitation Center, are limitless. Won’t you join us today, and together we can do so much!
There are many ways to help support our mission. Don’t hesitate to contact Sherry A. Henry, Chief Executive Officer, at (561) 886-3029 or email shenry@habcenter.org to learn more.

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